Percentage of people who are working or looking for work among the population aged 15 years and over.
ENOE reports an unemployment rate in Juárez 1.34% lower than the national average.
Juárez continues to maintain one of the lowest rates of labor informality in Mexico.
Of the 691,826 employed inhabitants, 77% reported working as paid employees (537,500).
From $ 4,251 to $ 8,501 monthly (1 – 2 s.m.) 39%
From $ 8,502 to $ 12,752 monthly (2 – 3 s.m.) 31%
From $ 12,753 to $ 17,003 monthly (3 – 4 s.m.) 10%
From $ 17,004 to $ 21,255 monthly (4 – 5 s.m.) 19%
This data has remained in the same order year after year, with the social sector continually reporting the highest average salaries, as well as the construction sector the lowest.
IMMEX employment represents 56% of the paid employment reported by ENOE and 63% of the employment reported by IMSS, with Juárez being the city in Mexico with the highest number of employees in the manufacturing sector.
Juárez has maintained its rate of unemployment at 3.01% during 2021, a level well above the 1.8% that closed pre Covid. However, Juarez has a 9.5% underemployment rate, meaning that 4,797 people are looking for different job.
Men average salary is 25% higher than women in Ciudad Juárez.
Ciudad Juárez - May 2021
Men have an average daily salary of $ 500.37MXN
Ciudad Juárez - May 2021
Women have an average daily salary of $401.63 MXN
Ciudad Juárez - May 2021
Data updated to March and May 2021
OLA, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare with data from the IMSS and ENOE, INEGI.
Labor Competitiveness with data from the IMSS, IMMEX and ENOE, INEGI.
Unemployment rate for years prior to 2019 in Ciudad Juárez calculated by Economic Development of Ciudad Juárez A.C. with data from the IMSS and ENOE, INEGI.
L1 = 1 at 3.9 s.m .; L2 = 4 to 6.9 s.m .; L3 = 7 to 9.9 s.m .; L4 = 10 to 13.9 s.m .; L5 = 14 – 25 s.m.
s.m .: Minimum salary
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